So once you’re over the fact that the Fast and Furious film franchise is getting another instalment, it’s time to analyse these casting rumours that are doing the rounds. There is no doubt that this series of films are highly entertaining despite all of the films being pretty much the same. And whilst the films manage to pull in a huge audience thanks to their continuous ‘fast cars and hot women’ model that they follow and also throwing in the eye candy for the women, it seems as though they are aiming for an even wider fan base with Fast and Furious 6, or Fast Six, or The Furious Six or whatever it ends up being called.

So there are three main rumours that are doing the rounds at the minute and I’ll start with the most sensible of the three (in my opinion). Luke Evans has been linked with the role of the villain in the sixth film and the series would be a good fit for him and vice versa. Above all things, the Fast and Furious films are high budget, adrenaline fuelled action films; Evans has appeared in big budget films before such as Immortals, Clash of the Titans and will be appearing in The Hobbit so should be a good choice for the film.


The next choice is an interesting one. David Tennant, Scottish actor. I am a big fan of David Tennant and I think he has been brilliant in BBC series’ like Casanova and Doctor Who and there is no doubt that he brings an unchallenged enthusiasm to every role he undertakes (even the adverts he does) but is he really right for such a film as this? I don’t think I’m the only one who has trouble imagining David Tennant in a drag race with Vin Diesel or having a hot scene with Jordana Brewster.


There is such a thing as being TOO ridiculous, and this is just an outrage! Rihanna has also been linked with a baddies role in the next film. Rihanna is not an actress; it is bad enough that she forces people to listen to horrible songs that all sound the same and talk about her sex life all the time in her lyrics but now she has to punish us more by appearing in films? What is her problem? What does she dislike about the human race so much that she feels like she has to continually punish us? I get that Fast and Furious has to include the sexy women and what not but at least Jordana Brewster and Michelle Rodriguez have a bit of acting credibility to their name!


All the usual suspects are reprising their roles for Fast and Furious Six: Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Tyrese Gibsion, Dwayne Johnson, Jordana Brewster and even Michelle Rodriguez is signed on to appear (get your head around that one considering she died a couple of movies ago) and Gina Carano is also a new addition to the cast. Diesel has revealed that this latest film will be filmed in Europe and is set for a 2013 release.